rü productions proudly presents an exclusive red carpet and art installation event for director Antony Berrios's captivating documentary, "Sonic Dreams." Embark on a journey into the creative mind of artist Brian Cooper as he unveils the mesmerizing synergy between his music and painting in this groundbreaking film. Through intimate access to his artistic process, viewers will gain a unique perspective on how Cooper seamlessly blends these two expressive mediums, weaving a symphony of colors and melodies that transcend conventional boundaries.
Join us for an opening reception and meet-and-greet in the lobby before the screening, where you can mingle with the Director and Brian Cooper, from 7:00pm to 7:45pm.
Following the screening, indulge in a stimulating Q&A session hosted by award-winning artist and best-selling author Paul Madonna. With seven books to his name, including the Emit Hopper Mystery Series, Paul brings his wealth of experience to the discussion, offering unique insights into the world of art and creativity.
In addition to the screening, immerse yourself in live performances by Brian Cooper's Earth Like Planets and the band The Other Dante. Led by singer, songwriter, musician, and producer Dante White Aliano, The Other Dante promises an electrifying musical experience, drawing from Aliano's diverse musical background and previous projects.
Finally, join us for an after-party at Music City to continue the celebration into the night from 11:00pm to 1:00am
Note: If you’re coming from out of town, please book your hotel stay with our partner W Hotel for a seamless experience.